Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This weeks news...

Well...... again, hoping for more. Still almost 2cm (he called it 1 and 7/8 cm, I think he should just give me credit for the whole 2). I am now 80% effaced, but the doctor did say that the baby has dropped almost to -2 station and last week it was at a -4. So just about the same amount of progress as last week. I guess we'll see again...

1 comment:

Valerie said...

So Sorry- but I sure hope that you have your little cutie before we come to Utah so I can see and hold her and love her!!! I havent even see Eric yet and he is almost 6 months old. So it would be really fun to see my baby brothers baby- how crazy is that, sometimes I forget how old he is. But I cam so excited for you guys, YEAH!!