Wednesday, April 16, 2008

This weeks appointment...

This week was not as promising as last week, but I guess you never know. I am now dilated to almost 2 cm and thinned 70%. So some progress, but I have to admit I was a little disappointed that it didn't turn out like my last appointment. We will just have to wait and see...


Valerie said...

Oh man, I comppletley understand- but it is all worth it. most days that is... :)

bridget said...

HOLY COW! 13 days to your due date. I know that you're appointment was super disappointing. I'm sorry. I hate those appointments...for some reason I would always hope I was going to be dilated to 5 cm and the DR will say, "Could you please get to Labor and Delivery RIGHT NOW!You're having your baby!"

I'm thinking of you often. Hang in there!

Reynolds Couple said...

You are getting so close!! We are just waiting for a phone call. Keep on walking. (I know that is very uncomfortable)