Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Party!!

So Matt and I are pretty passionate about conservatism and smaller government, so we thought that we would participate in the tea party here in Provo. We really didn't know what to expect because neither of us had ever been any part of any protest or anything like it before. It turned out to be a lot of fun! They had a few military members and others speak and a few people sang some patriotic songs. It felt very American and it was so fun to see so many people excited about it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sound of Music

Matt showed me this video, and I thought it was way cool!

EMBED-Sound of Music in Antwerp Train Station - Watch more free videos

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pics and Updates!

Woke up on the wrong side of the crib! The other day, Kaiya woke up from her nap with this imprint from her crib (well Pack n' Play). The side of it is mesh, It make me laugh.

Date Night, last weekend Matt and I debated about whether or not to go out for dinner for a "date night", with money being tight we decide that we would cook up something fun together.... It was so yummy! Here is a link to the site we go the recipe off of, it was easy and sooo good. Theirs looks way better though, we didn't have the right kind of pan, so we compromised.

Teething!!! Last month, Kaiya got 3 top teeth on the same day! (She didn't seem too bugged by those) But now she cut one tooth today on the bottom, and one on the top is almost through, these she is not taking so well, so this week has been hard....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Our Trip to Laramie, Wyoming

My sister-in-law Valerie and her family live in Laramie and she just had a beautiful baby girl! So we went on a quick trip up there to visit and for Kallie's baby blessing. It was a lot of fun, Kaiya really enjoyed her cousins. Ethan was especially cute with her, he was teaching her how to draw and was showing her around. Matt's parents sent us some pictures that they took and I thought I would share.

By the way, Kaiya is almost walking..... I don't know if I am excited or not (she is not even a year old yet). She walks in between the furniture in the living room and she takes about 4-6 steps at a time.