Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Tooth!

Kaiya finally got her first tooth today, well I guess yesterday (I am at my Grave job, so my days get a little off). I thought she would never get one, but she got a lower front tooth.

It has been a really long time since I have posted, so I guess I will just recap what we have been up to. We had a really long holiday, which was so so nice. We went to Cedar from Christmas Eve all the way until Jan 4th. It was such a nice break, we really needed it. Matt really needed too, because he had just been working so hard before Christmas, he had nearly 20 hours of overtime in only the week before Christmas. After our big long break it was back to job hunting. I found a job, the one that I am at now. I work Graves on the weekend at a Residential Treatment Center for teen boys. It is a really nice place and great environment (and I can still be home with Kaiya all week), but let me tell you it is 6:45 in the morning right now and I still have 2 hours and 15 minutes to go and I am doing anything I can to stay awake, haha. The shift starts at 9:45pm and goes till 9am, which is nice, because I get full time work only working 3 days a week, but staying awake is a little bit harder than I anticipated. Other than staying awake it is the easiest job I have ever had, just check on the boys every 30 mins and watch movies, surf the internet, or do whatever the rest of the time. Anyway, so that is pretty much all I have been up to lately.

Kaiya is just growing up too fast still, she is starting to stand and let go of what she is holding on to and balancing herself. It makes me nervous that she will be walking soon and I am not ready for that. I just got used to her crawling around.

Matt's just still working hard at his job... he has been such a good help with me going back to work.


Reynolds Couple said...

I hope that Kaiya did okay with getting that tooth in. She is so fun to watch. I love her little personality. I can't believe she wants to walk!! Slow down Kaiya :)
It was nice to have you around during the holiday.

bridget said...

Whoa! A tooth...and it begins...teething. Good luck!

Gloria said...

Staying up surfing the net gives you time to work on your genealogy! that is fun and time goes by way too fast once you get bit by the bug!