I have had a crazy couple of weeks, so I have neglected my blog....
Kaiya is crawling, she has been crawling for about 2 weeks now. (she started the day before she turned 7 months) I admit, I was not ready for it, she is into everything. She also pulls her self up to standing on things, that is probably the hardest, because she isn't afraid to let go of whatever she is holding on to and she falls hard, and a lot. She just doesn't get that she will fall.

This is the cute winter suit that Mom Reynolds got Kaiya, it is so cute she looks like a little eskimo.

We decided that we need family pictures, cause we haven't done that.... and this is our creative way of doing them. I don't know if we can bring ourselves to pay for a photographer. Besides Matt and I just aren't that fond of traditional family pictures (posing) anyway. We took these out by Utah lake, we didn't realize how pretty it is there until recently. It is so peaceful too, cause you don't run into a lot of people out there.

(She is not as high as she looks.... haha)