I just can't help it, I love taking bath pictures! She is just so cute all naked and it just makes me laugh about her and her little wash cloth, she would sit there all day and suck water out of that cloth all day if I would let her. She is learning not to try to retrieve her toys if they drift away now, for the last few baths she would dive forward as her toy would float away, leaving her face down in the water. Amazingly enough, she doesn't cry over it, just chokes on the water a little and continues to play. I think she will be a swimmer! Now when a toy floats away, she just looks up at me like "aren't you going to get that for me?"
My other favorite baby pictures are messy face pictures, these are from last night.
So this last weekend, Matt really wanted to get out and do something different..... He had looked at this website: www.ghosttowns.com and we found a couple of Ghost Towns to visit. It was so much fun. The first ghost town we visited was called Manning. The only thing we found was this old cement building. The rest of the road that probably led to the old mine was closed off.
The next place we stopped at was Mercur, we were disappointed to find only another gate blocking it off. It looks as if they were mining there again though, and that one is a gold mine.
The last place we went was Ophir, it was really neat. It isn't really a ghost town anymore though, there are a few people that live there, but they have preserved alot of the old buildings and you can see some of the old mining equipment. They also happened to be filming a movie there when we showed up. Someone told us that it is a kids first film that he wrote and is directing, the guy says that he just has way too much money. It sounds like the movie is about some kids that go into an old mine. So that was fun to see too. This last picture was a picture of the some of the movie crew. That is the best picture I had of them.