So I am really getting impatient for this little girl to come. I have the theory that she wants to come too. At my last two appointments, my doctor hasn't failed to mention that she is measuring a little bit on the larger side (I don't know if he realizes how nervous that makes me). For the last to weeks, I feel like I can't get up and walk around without getting Braxton-Hick contractions and excruciating back pain... I figure she might as well come too, because as is, I don't get much sleep at night, I wake up every hour or two and get up to walk around to shake off the pain in my legs and hips.
Well I guess I shouldn't expect anything, cause knowing my luck she is going to be 2 weeks late or something. Besides, I need to count my blessings and remember why we go through this. She will be so worth it, and I am sure that there are others out there that have had much more challenging pregnancies.
Anyway, I thought I would add some pics from my ultrasound clear back in December. I think the picture is funny that the lady took that tells us that we are having a girl because she left the mouse pointer there when she was showing us.

Sorry that you are at the point that you want her out- This may feel like the longest month of your life- mine last month always did, but like you said there is a reward in the end of all of this. Walking is good - even when it hurts and you feel like she might fall out it makes a HUGE difference in the long run. Good luck and thanks for keeping me Updated :)
This is the sucky time! I'm so sorry. Usually people who have it "worse" usually get more attention than the daily AGONY of late pregnancy. I'm so sorry! I totally understand. Not that this will help at all, but I barely remember the pain from Eric's pregnancy. So hopefully she will come soon and you'll be able to get some relief. (I've always thought being pregnant was worse than taking care of the baby its self. That doesn't help you much, sorry. . .)
I totally like this blog! It's fun to know what's going on, especially since I'm not much of a "phone person."
Also, I'm not going to be able to make it to your baby shower this weekend. I'm sorry. LOGISTICS, is all I can say :)
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