So first, Christmas.... This year was the first Christmas we decided to just stay home. It was really nice. It didn't take much to please Kaiya, she got a few necklaces (because she always wants to wear mine), some animals, cars, play food.
We spent Christmas eve with my parents, and we headed for Cedar City to see Matt's parents the day after Christmas. It was such a good nice long break Matt didn't have to go back to work until Jan 4th, so it made for a good 2 week break.

Next, Baby #2
For those of you who don't know (there maybe a lot of you, we have been horrible about telling people), we are expecting baby #2 in May. We found out Thursday that its a Boy!!! I am so excited! Also, everything looks good so far, the ultrasound seemed normal and he seems healthy. He kicks and wiggles ALOT less then Kaiya, so I am optimistic that I he will be less wiggly, and actually cuddle with me after he is born...
A Funny Story
So I just had to tell this story, because I was floored when it happened (it wasn't funny at the time). Anyway, on Monday, Kaiya was being horrible. When she has really bad days she just won't let me sit down to the computer and work at all, so I pulled out my laptop and I sat on her toddler bed with her in her room while she watched a movie. Well I had to get up to go to the bathroom and do one thing, so I closed the laptop and set it on my rocker in her room. When I came back, not more than 5 minutes later. I came back and the door was closed (she doesn't close the door unless she is doing something that she knows I wouldn't want her to do) I opened the door and she had put her step stool up to the dresser and ejected the DVD we were watching, opened up my laptop, put the DVD in my laptop and was watching her movie..... I of course wigged out on her, because she knows all too well that she is not EVER supposed to touch the laptop. The second she saw me, she tried to bolt. I was floored, I had no idea she knew how to do any of that.... ahhh!
Well, I will try to be better about updating the blog! I hope everyone is doing well!