What is his name? Matt or I guess Matthew... I don't really call him that much.
How long have we been married? 3 years
How long did we date? does the engagement count?? w/out engagement 3-4 weeks, w/ engagement 3 months (fyi: we were best friends before we started dating)
How old is he? a quarter of a century
Who eats more? probably him
Who said I love you first? ummm....
Who is taller? He is
Who sings better? we don't sing
Who is smarter? definitely him
Whose temper is worse? ya know we are both pretty cool headed, we react similar when we are upset
Who pays the bills? I officially pay them, but he forks out a lot of the money
Who does the laundry? we tend to do laundry together
Who cooks dinner? we do that together mostly too
Who drives when together? Matt, unless I specifically ask to
Who is more stubborn? haha, I am usually stubborn about really petty silly things that don't matter, but Matt probably the most stubborn (especially when it comes to the motorcycle issue, I could use help from anyone that would like to tell him that they are dangerous and that I don't like the idea of being a single mother someday)
Who is the first to admit when wrong? mutual
Who wears the pants in the family? we both try... but it is pretty even
Who mows the lawn? what lawn
Who kissed who first? it was surprisingly mutual (that is the moment we decided that we had better date eachother)
Who proposed? He did.
What is my favorite thing about him? Everything..... His eyes, smile, and laugh; I actually do like his stubborness (except the motorcycle thing, haha); One of the biggest thing that attracted me to him was the way he is with kids, I love the way he is with Kaiya and she just lights up everyday when he comes home from work; He is such a hard worker.... that is another thing that he is stubborn about, he simply will not stop until he is completely finished with something (as I write this, it is 11:51 at night, and he is out in the parking lot working on the Audi.... I told him to go to bed, but he just won't until he is finished); I love how much he loves his parents and how he would do anything he could for them; He is just so easy to talk to and he is so kind and generous to me. I love him so much and would do anything for him, and I am so happy that I was accepted into his wonderful family too, I love them all so much, they raised a great son and brother.
I Love You Matt!!