Kaiya's Birth: May 3rd, I had misplaced this camera for a little while, so I wasn't able to post pictures from the hospital. Her birth came at about the best time, Matt's parents were up that weekend for Eric's baby blessing, having all the grandparents there made it so special.
Kendall's Wedding: May 15th, Kendall and Alyson got Married in the Timpanogus Temple. Matt and Clinton and I decorated their car, it was a lot of fun.
Clinton's Graduation: May 23rd, I can't believe he is that old... he will be going to go to Utah State University in the fall. Congrats Clinton!
Memorial Day: Matt and I took my little brother Corey with us to Thanksgiving Point to see the Dinosaur Museum, it was a lot of fun. The museum was a lot bigger than I had expected, I would recommend it to anyone, there are also a lot of fun things for kids to do there too.
It was probably the fastest month of my life, I have been going going going, but it has been so much fun! Thanks to everyone that has helped me get through it!!